Culture Days – Shorts ‘n Sweets

September 28, 2023 @ 1:00 pm
Porcupine Plain Public Library
302 Pine Street
Porcupine Plain

Join us at the Porcupine Plain Public Library for Shorts ‘n Sweets – a documentary & desserts series. We will view a 30-45 minute documentary, followed by time for coffee, dainties and discussion.

  • Thursday, September 28th @ 1:00p.m.
    Documentary:  Mary Two-Axe Earley: I am Indian Again
    Mary Two-Axe Earley: I Am Indian Again shares the powerful story of Mary Two-Axe Earley, who fought for more than two decades to challenge sex discrimination against First Nations women embedded in Canada’s Indian Act and became a key figure in Canada’s women’s rights movement.  Mohawk filmmaker Courtney Montour engages in a deeply personal conversation with the late Mohawk woman who challenged sexist and genocidal government policies that stripped First Nations women and children of their Indian status when they married non-Indian men.  Montour speaks with Cree activist Nellie Carlson, Mary’s lifelong friend and co-founder of Indian Rights for Indian Women, and meets with three generations in Mary’s kitchen in Kahnawà:ke to honour the legacy of a woman who galvanized a national network of allies to help restore Indian status to thousands of First Nations women and children.

  • Thursday, October 5th @ 1:00p.m.
    Documentary: Between: Living in the Hyphen
    Anne Marie Nakagawa’s documentary examines what it means to have a background of mixed ancestries that cannot be easily categorized. By focusing on 7 Canadians who have one parent from a European background and one of a visible minority, she attempts to get at the root of what it means to be multi-ethnic in a world that wants each person to fit into a single
  • category. 
  • Thursday, October 12th @ 1:00p.m.
    Documentary: Wards of the Crown
    This film examines the lives of 4 young people who grew up in the child welfare system.  It is also a critical exposé of a system that couldn’t meet their needs, as well as a stirring tribute to the strength, courage and resilience of these foster kids.


To register, please phone Joanne at 306-278-2488.  Drop-ins are welcome!