Hunting & Fishing

If you like hunting and fishing,
then you have come to the right spot! 

Photo courtesy of Tristan Wingert of Broad Leaf Media

Within minutes of Porcupine Plain are a number of lakes, including Greenwater and Steiestol, which are stocked regularly and provide excellent fishing opportunity for Northern Pike, Walleye, Perch and Rainbow Trout.

The area surrounding Porcupine Plain boasts some of the best big game hunting found anywhere. Moose, elk and whitetail deer of trophy size are regularly harvested.  If you enjoy migratory bird hunting, the myriad of small lakes surrounding Porcupine Plain provide excellent habitat with large numbers of water fowl nesting in the area, in addition to being attractive to the migrating northerns. Want a real treat? Try hunting the ruffed grouse that habits the forest and wooded farmland. If you are not familiar with the area, please try one of the many outfitters in our area whose expertise and familiarity will help ensure a successful hunt and wonderful holiday.

Photo courtesy of Tristan Wingert of Broad Leaf Media
Hawkrock Outfitters (306) 278-3351 or (306) 278-7159
Big Spruce Outfitting (306) 813-7770
Dahl Creek Outfitters  (306) 278-7675
Big Foot Outfitters (306) 278-2362
Lawson Creek Outfitters (306) 278-2415 or (306) 373-3247
Schmidt’s Outdoors (306) 278-3373






Photo courtesy of Tristan Wingert of Broad Leaf Media